Senior Chase Jordan leads the Ankeny boys’ bowling team with a 358.5 series average. He bowled a season-high total of 413 in the Hawks’ win over Johnston in their season opener on Dec. 1 at Game Day Lanes.
Sophomore Kali Ogg ranks second on the Ankeny girls’ squad with a 303 series average. She bowled a career-best total of 334 to lead the Hawkettes to a victory over Ames on Dec. 13 at Perfect Games.
Here is some inside info on the duo:
How is the season going thus far?
Jordan: The season is going well. We are 1-3, but I love seeing the spirit of this team and the teamwork that we put in.
Ogg: I think the season is going quite well for me and the girls. We have had four meets this season and our record is 3-1, losing only to Southeast Polk. I think we really bounced back from that loss because we won our next meet against Dowling Catholic.
What has been the highlight for you?
Jordan: The highlight for me is seeing this team improve every week, working hard and having fun.
Ogg: I would have to say for me it’s the energy of being a part of the team. It’s my second year, and we know each other a lot better and have been able to help each other grow. Also, being given the opportunity to design the apparel for this year’s team was a real honor.

Have you been happy with the way you’ve bowled?
Jordan: Yeah, I’ve been really good. The second and third meets were okay. I didn’t do well for those two meets, but I bounced back on the fourth meet.
Ogg: Yes I really have been (pleased). Although I know that I can do better, when you have the support of your team like I do, any little mistakes you make are just seen as funny and laughable. That takes a lot of the stress out of the competitions.
When did you first start bowling, and what did you like about the sport?
Jordan: I’ve been bowling since I was six years old. What I like about bowling is to have fun and hang out with friends and sometimes be competitive with it, too.
Ogg: My dad took me periodically throughout my childhood, but I didn’t start bowling on a regular basis until my freshman year. What I like about bowling is how fun, easy, and connective it is, and also the fact that people really undermine it. Everyone thinks that it is so easy and that they can get onto varsity. When in reality, you have to find your proper stance, proper approach, proper balance, and are going to have proper practices just like any other sport.
Do you compete in any other sports, or have you in the past?
Jordan: I did football, track, basketball and baseball in the past. I just went out for bowling because it’s really easy.
Ogg: I play tennis in the spring. In my spare time, I like to play basketball, lacrosse and race cars outside of school. Otherwise, I am usually outside a lot of the time.
Kali, it appears that you have a tattoo on your left arm. Can you tell me what it is?
Ogg: The “tattoos” on my arm are just a bunch of designs I’ve made and gathered together over the years. I am really into drawing and designing, so I usually draw on my skin a lot with sharpie or permanent marker before meets as sort of a good luck charm for myself.

The girls’ team has already won three meets after winning just once a year ago. What has been the key to the team’s success?
Ogg: I think having a full varsity team for the girls was a large part of our success. I also like to think the atmosphere of our team isn’t as demeaning which can help everyone feel as if they are being supported. Even the guys’ team will help cheer us on and altogether, it’s pretty amazing.
Chase, your younger brother Kole is also a member of the team. Are you guys competitive with each other?
Jordan: We are not competitive with each other. We are helping each other out where to place the ball on the lane and the speed of the ball.
Have you made any plans for next year?
Jordan: My plan is to go into the military. If that does not work out, I’m going to run my own bowling alley.
Which facility is your favorite place to bowl, and why?
Jordan: Game Day Lanes is my favorite place to bowl. Every time we bowl there I always bowl a 200, and the place is really nice.
Ogg: I really enjoy bowling at Perfect Games or Val Lanes. Perfect Games has lanes that are better for the way I bowl, and I do really well there. I like the feel and atmosphere of Val, and it’s just a comfortable place to bowl–that’s where I first started bowling. I usually prefer to go bowling at older alleys because it gives off a more theatrical or calm vibe.
What are your goals for the rest of the season?
Jordan: To win the state championship for the first time for our school.
Ogg: I think my main goal for this season would be to achieve a score of at least 200 at a meet, and to just continue to get closer to my team. I want to thank my coach Brianna, Lili Sinclair, and the Jordan brothers for being there for me these last two years. They have really helped me grow and improve as a bowler and a person.