Ankeny High School Activities Director Brent Buttjer has been named to the same position at Dallas Center-Grimes for the 2019-20 school year.
Buttjer has been at Ankeny since the split into two high schools in the fall of 2013.
“I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve the students, families, coaches, and directors of the Ankeny Community School District and Ankeny High School for the past six years,” Buttjer said. “We took this job six years ago with the understanding that there would be challenges surrounding the split into two high schools. I am so proud of my coaches and directors and most importantly the kids for putting on their hard hats, picking up their sledgehammers, and going to work!
“I believe we have established programs that have given the AHS community pride, value, and self-worth. Along with that came success on the playing field when not many believed we could do that as fast as we did,” he added.
Buttjer, a Cresco native, has enjoyed a long career in athletics. He spent 15 years at North Scott, where he coached football and baseball, before becoming the Activities Director at Fort Madison in 2007.
Now, Buttjer will be embarking on his next challenge.
“I look forward to my new challenge of bringing leadership to the Dallas Center-Grimes CSD in the area of activities,” he said. “This community is experiencing some of the same growing trends as the Ankeny community, and I feel my calling is now to serve this school district to the best of my abilities.”